Smile Malawi reaches out to help flood victims
As part of its outreach programme, Smile Malawi helps a local village to get through the crisis after the floods…
The January rains damaged crops and homes in the surrounding villages, leaving many families literally starving, ass well as without proper roofs over their heads.With the help of a generous donation of £3,500 from the Community Overseas Aid Project in Lynsted, near Sittingbourne, Smile Malawi was able to source blankets and other essential items to 214 families living in tents in the village of Tizola near Nchalo, about 70km away from the Smile Malawi home. Some of the older boys helped to load up our 4x4 with the blankets and distribute them. Sadly, they also realized just how hungry all the villagers were, especially the children. So they made a second trip a week later loaded with sacks of maize to sustain them through the crisis. Everyone agreed that it was a joy to see the smiles back on the children’s faces once they had all been fed!