June Newsletter 2018
A Tribute to Mirriam.
We usually start the newsletters with wonderful smiles from our children but this time the lovely smile belongs to our beautiful retired Matron Mirriam, who very sadly passed away last week after a serious asthma attack. Mirriam started with us right at the beginning in 2006 and became mother to our first children, showering them with love but guiding them for their futures. As the family grew she worked hard to keep them all on track and the success of our older children now is the legacy that she leaves behind. She will be missed by everyone.
Mirriam visiting Elijah at medical college
She was so proud of her college boys, Brian, George and Elijah
Mirriam's funeral at her home village of Kasungu was attended by hundreds of people.
She will be missed by the Mother's Union at our local church
September 2017 with all the children
With Grace & Emily at the airport 2015
On the swings
Mother's Day 2012
Mirriam with Funny and Caroline 2010
Mirriam with the girls in 2008
Mirriam with the boys 2008
Our thank yous to you...
Our sincere thanks to everyone who has given so generously over the past months - we really appreciate your support especially with Gift's on-going medical troubles. He is stable now and we have MRI and CT scans to process that may help with his prognosis. Please continue to help as the fact that these children have such wonderful support from a large international family means so much to them. It has been a difficult time in Malawi but the children are all healthy and happy and determined to make Mirriam proud as some finish primary school and others complete their secondary education.